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I prodotti Meletti: Italian Spirits!


I prodotti Meletti: Italian Spirits!
Bartender Atlas in visita presso la nostra distilleria. Ecco il loro racconto:

“After a walk up the side of Monte Sibillini, we boarded our bus to the last distillery tour of our trip. Visiting the Meletti distillery really drove home the importance of these businesses to the surrounding communities. In Ascoli Piceno, the name Meletti is everywhere, and has been since almost 150 years ago.

This distillery though, employs some truly Dr. Seussian reminiscent equipment to produce their anisette, amaro, apertivo and gentiane liqueur among others. There is a hydrosphere used to cool and condense the distillates. There is a basin with 6 smaller basins connected to it used for filtration. Mechanisms I could not have imagined had I not seen them in person. There is also a few century old books that have been used the Meletti family for recipes. There is a whole lot of family love put into Meletti and it’s a very impressive place to visit”.



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